Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday Intervals

Headed out to Isaacs atan average of 150bpmbeinga 1/2hour cycle, I let my heartrate drop gradually to 130 before putting in my firts effort.

There is a few shorter hills before I get to my 10-12min long main hill effort, so I got myself ready by getting the heart rate upto 185bpm, both in and out of the saddle.

I put my 1st effort in and although I didn't time it, I felt fast HR was sitting between 179-185 and more suprisingly (for me) was able to get out of the saddle and push through some of the steeper pinches at the end of the climb.

I am aiming to do 6 weeks of Stromlo / Isaacs intervals and will be timing my next efforts.

Monday - recovery ride with the missus followed by spectating the short track Nationals!

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