Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1.5 hrs Stromlo Hill climb x2

Me and Jamie set off from Stromlo forrest carpark on our road bikes. It's been a while since I threw a leg over my roadie and with the Anthem in for repairs, my knees scabbed, bruised and swollen a road bike ride was a great idea.

I had aimed for at leat 3 hill repeats but the sun set a little sooner that anticipated.
Jamie is in good form on the hills and I was happy to sit 20-40 odd metres behind.

Actually it felt good to smash some hills and not get another injury.

Training is prooving difficult at the moment as I am rostered on fire duties here at work meaning some late knock offs and compromised family time.

At the moment I am happy to keep the weight off and retain my base fitness until the fire season eases off in April.

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