Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Frustration - 1.5hours

I went out for a lunch time spin to Stromlo only 2 minutes away. Yep, you read correctly. My work is situated 5 minutes ride down the road. Did I mention that the 5 minutes ride to stromlo is on Single track.....

Thats my excitement over for this post, as getting on the bike felt awkward. Looking at the stem and alignment of the front wheel, something was not gelling. Wheel alignment was OK but the wheel was untrue and when the fork was under load it would seriously flex an inch!

I decided to keep riding and despite the hot weather made it up the Nationals climb for some sweet decending back to work. At the end of the traverse a new 8m section of traction has been dug to bypass a rocky section. Ian told me that this section was infact faster than the rocky section I would normally blast through, so I tried it.

Well it turns out someone dislodged to head sized rocks at the bottom of a rolly polly in this section, meaning they were only visible at the top of the next rolly polly.
Blasting this section at 25km/h+ and hitting one of the rocks on the down slope resulted in a high side. Ouch my knees hurt (again) and the bike is in for repairs.

It's times like these you feel like kicking yourself.

Thanks to Michael at ONYA Bike Belconnen for his patience and looking after me.

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