Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Training update 2011

Isaacs ridge.

Since the Mont 2011 on SInglespeed and coming in 1st mixed team 4.The training has continued.
Winter is always tough but has been made a little easier with indoor trainer sessions using Carmichaels trainsmart DVDs.

I have been feeling strong, sleeping well at last and work is rewarding in my new role back at McHouse.

I have started a weights program to compliment the cycling. Two weeks in and Im starting o feel the effects.
Mondays are a solid leg day that take the rest of the week to recover.
Recovery involves riding to Scrivener dam and back at a base or sub base pace depending on how stuffed the legs are.

What I noticed after the 1st weights session was that yes the legs are heavy and pushing hurts but when I get into my happy little place and dont worry about speed or times Im pacing solidly and effortlessly. Nice!

Progress markers for the rest of the year and or follow up.
Scrivener damn loop at race pace 1hr 38min
Scrivener dam loop at Base pace 1hr 44min with recovery at 1hr 46-48min

Isaacs ridge Hill climb
10min 40seconds. This was a solid effort though not race paced. Middle gear 1 up at the back.
Followed by a 2nd effort.

Race pace progress effort to follow. Thee times are line ball with last years.

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