Thursday, July 14, 2011

Scrivener Dam loop Random thoughts

Im feeling good. Outside temp is a balmy 8-10deg the sun is out and the wind is low. I can almost feel the end of winter....Well almost.

I have been hitting the weights in an attempt to raise leg strength. Mondays consist of a ride followed by a solid leg workout.
Tuesdays consist of an upper body workout. Wednesdays are rest (damn the legs feel heavy and DOMS is lingering about)

Thursdays are an odd day, the upper body is sore and DOMS in still present in the legs but they are very capable, strong in fact.

On todays Scrivener loop ride I recorded an average of 26.9kmh on the mtb bike with a total time of 134min flat

Could the weights workouts possibly be paying dividends? It makes sense. I know its hard to raise ones lactic threshold but you can raise power at lactic threshold....

Shower time!

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