Wednesday, January 30, 2013

29th January Road Crits

After feeling the punishment from last Tuesdays road crits, I decided a week off the bike was in order.
I did go into last weeks crits, fatigued after a big week of riding and it showed, being dropped off the back.
This week my aim was to ride with the bunch, keep off the front and finish with the main bunch.
Race format was standard, 30 minutes plus 2 laps.

The group started strong and set into a rythem, a strong headwind kept any riders thinking about jumping in check. 30 minutes went passed and the 2 laps to go sign was shown.

I took this opportunity to creep to the front 1/4 of the bunch. By this time, we had just passed the bell lap and 5 riders made a break for it, I was sitting just behind and started a hard steady pace, with intent to sprint if I caught these riders.
To my surprise, I reeled in the bunch and put in a hard sprint. For a 2nd place by 20cm!

1 comment:

  1. What a great adventure. Bike enthusiasts really spend some hours in some bike adventures.I think your good at it.Your really a rider.thanks for posting.

    mountain bike reviews
