Friday, January 18, 2013

2013 Dirt Crits / Road Crits

Dirt Crits
Road C grade to finish 2nd behind young Oliver. With daylight between myself and third, we killed the 3 lap XC crit around Stromlo. Starting just outside the main carpark gates we rode through the tunnel, down fenceline onto the bitumen turned left onto the fireroad that links back to the tunnel. 
For some fast singletrack and pacing efforts up the bitumen and onto the fireroad.

I backed it up in B grade to finish 5th place. For some solid speed work on a Thursday night.

Riding Observations:
  1. It doesn't matter how much power you can put out, if it's negated by your own weight.
  2. Power to weight ratio is key and far more important then bike weight/wheel weight.
  3. Bike comfort is key! If your technically challenged a hardtail WILL slow you down. Anytime saved in efficiency will be eaten away, in the chop.
Road Crits, thoughts:
  1. Your energy is measured by a packet of matches. Efforts at the front, will burn several matches.
  2. Let others burn their matches if your a decent sprinter. You will go into your last lap with more matches at your disposal.
  3. After the timed section usually 30 minutes, get to the front 5-6 riders.
  4. If you can sustain a steady hard slog, go for it with 1/2 a lap to go. I have used this technique several times with good success.
  5. Better still sit behind 2nd or 3rd with 1/4 lap to go. Ideally you will be drifting in the rider in fronts slipstream. Pull out and SPRINT! Pick your line, grit your teeth and dig in, it will be over in a matter of seconds!
Tonights Road Crit result: 2nd, 20 cm behind 1st. 
Using technique 4, unfortunately for me 1st used technique 5 but their was daylight behind us for 3rd!

1 comment:

  1. Finishing three laps isn't bad at all. You did great! Thanks for sharing your riding observations and techniques. These are helpful for cyclists.
