Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Last week with Time trials

I have been lazy updating but have been riding fairly solidly. With the commencement of the time trial training I have knocked back on hours trained per week and increased training intensity dramatically.

Last Tuesday Time trials, same loop on the 29er Paragon.

1st 5.16sec

A good 15-20 secounds faster, still felt slow on the slight uphill gradient on the back of this Stromlo loop but definetely felt faster on the long steady flat firetrail in the middle section and superfast on the last fire trail section ending this loop.

Friday Long steady Endurance ride. 4hrs
A ride from work to Bruce Ridge. I rode from work to Belconnen, connected to Black mountain fire trails and rode around to O'Connor and then upto Bruce Ridge.
Once at Bruce Ridge I rode a full loop and doubled back.

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