Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A new week

Monday 2-3 hours
Met up with the full Mont team and Deb. We rode a 20 minute warmup then split up from the girls and Ian.

I rode the Red loop with Jansen pushing hard up ahead. I kept close for a 90% effort on the climb followed by Jamie and Phil. We came down the switchbacks and rode the fire trails and met up with Ian and the girls at the pipeline track.
We all rode the beginner downhill track and follwed the singletrack back to the Pavillion from the western carpark.

Wednesday 2 1/2 hours.
Met up with Jamie,Mitch and Mark for a ride around the back of Stromlo to the double black diamond loop. The trails here are in need of some serious maintenance. Dead trees and some tracks towards the end of the loop are barely visible. Regardless I managed to ride the majority of the trails with exception of some super rocky time.

We rode back to the Pavillion and rode the time trial circuit.

I only managed to time the first effort and felt like I was doing it easy after I passed the gate and kept a steady pace upto the fire trails around the back then punched it hard to the finish.

4.56sec Wow a good 35 secounds faster than 3 weeks ago.feeling good.

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