Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mt Taylor Thurday night crits

Mt Taylor Hill climb, Mar 2008 23:46, 13.25 Avr Speed
Mt Taylor Hill CLimb Dec 2008 22.26, 14.04 Avr Speed

Time difference of 1:20 and up about 0.8km/h
I started conservatively getting to my LT of 174 quickly then steadily sat on 182-184HR.
I didn't want to max on the start then have to recover and go again. The Stromlo crits I have been sitting in the top 3 for the first 3 laps then slowing down, should be interesting racing the next few crits with a HRM to see if not maxing so early makes a difference. Crits start again in January.

Im planning to slowly loose more weight and strictly stick adhere to the build phase this year.

Planning a 3 hour tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. nice work mate.. your body can handle a very high heart rate if its not reached to quickly it will only put the body in panic mode, tried to give it my all in a spin class yesterday legs are very sore from training but i reached 94% on the last song. im very envy of the amount of races u guys have in canberra..
