Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Road Crits (Vets)

I have had some intention for a while to try the road crits. Many people swear that its a great way to improve speed, so I mustered up some courage and entered on Tuesday night to race D grade.

I was informed to hang back for a few laps to see how it go's. The race started slowly and slowly ramped up during the next 8 minutes. I took the marshalls advice and was hanging back to see how things progress.

A quick jump in the pack had dropped some riders which caught me by surprise, I picked up the pace over the next 2 laps to catch back onto the peleton, passing the strugglers that had no chance.

Having arrived with the bunch I could now rest the legs for a lap before the sign showed 2 laps to go.

I pushed ahead holding the front curious as to how things would play out. Would the bunch sprint?, would I get caught out?

I let off some speed at the 3/4 lap to go to see what would happen a group of 4 jumped past and I ramped up to chase.

Of course I was too late and cross the line 6th only 5 metres behind. Things noted and much fun had I'll be joining the club and continue this leg shaved madness!

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