Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Knee pain

Looking back I have never had knee problems until of course I changed shoes, from my original Specialized shoes.
I believe shoes (In my case) have caused a few leg or foot related problems.

Specialized shoes = no problems. Due to the wide toe box and angled footbeds.
LG shoes = no problems Due to the wide toe box unfortunately I lost these shoes at the Highland Fling with some other gear.
Sidi = Numb toes, despite the claimed wide toe box I believe the narrow toe box cramps the toes leading to numbness.
Shimano shoes = No problems. A wide toe box.

So what happens when you get sore knees, you look back.....

Single speeding no doubt loads the knees up and considering the Mont was trained and raced on single speed and various other rides including the Stromlo 7hr. I cant negate this, maybe a combination without the Specialized angled footbed?

So I have found some Specialized inserts that I have shoved under Sidi ultra thin footbeds in Shimano shoes(Right foot only) tonights 1.40he ride to Scrivener was windy and I had to push through the wind and yep the knees didn't hurt as much.

I have been stretching the quads, hammies, ACL/Piriformas which are tight. It makes sense that this tightness can cause restricted motion of the knee causing pain.

Steve Hogg master bike fitter also believes lack of longitudinal arch support can also contribute combined with other factors such as saddle height. I have dropped the saddle by 1.5mm which on todays 72km ride seamed to make a difference combined with a new set of S Works shoes, sorted, I hope!

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