Friday, October 18, 2013

Energy for cycle performance. Ideal Carbohydate consumption for highest energy levels.

Their have been many medical studies conducted on Food types for optimal energy levels.
Carbohydates are superior to Fat and Protein for exrecise performance and convert to glucose within the body.

Studies have broken down Carbohydtaes (CHO) into three types Maltodextrin, Fructose and Sucrose.  No differences in energy production was noted between carbohydate types, on energy production.
The bottom line our Energy systems run most efficiently on Carbohydates. 
As Carbohydate levels drop the body starts to use fat stores, this in turn leads to a massive energy drop. Often called bonking.

However the body doesn't flick a switch between Carbohydate use and fat use. The body will always utilise fat as an energy source however as Carbohydare levels drop, fat is used more.  The relationship between Carbohydate levels and Fat stores used is dependent on the amount of Carbohydrates consumed.

Carbohydate levels consumed higher then this lead to belching, bloating and other gastro problems.
Those making Carbohydrate Gel's often site the following study but fail to share that the study was performed on those weighing 70kg (plus or minus 5kg). So riders weighing more or less than this should LISTEN to their bodies and adapt Carbohydate consumption based on their feelings.

The following exert shows Oxidation (Conversion to energy) 16% maltodextrin meaning 16grams of Carbs, the Table shows Carbs consumed for a 2 hour period, equating to 52grams on commencement and 26grams every half hour, for a 2 hour period.
Note: Difference between the Control group(No carbs consumed) and all other groups.
Summary: This shows that when a person consumes no Carbohydrates the body will consume an average of 20 grams of fat, more and 60grams less of available carbohydrates, in a 2hour period.
Their was no major differences between 26grams consumed every 30minutes to 4grams consumed.
The study was based on cyclists averaging 65% Watts max.


Bottom line: Cyclists should consume at 52g Carbs initially then 13grams every 15minutes. (Being 26grams every 30 minutes for convenience) to ward off bonking.

Bonking was shown to drop exercise performance by approx. 50%!

Study: Oxidation rates of orally injested carbohydates during prolonged exercise in men.

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