Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Scott 24hr 2011

A landed a free entry into the Scott 24hr thanks to Micko at Onya Bike Belconnen and City. Team of six very casual was the plan.
Having arrived half an hour prior to the event to discover only one other team mate was their was a bit of a dissapointment but a sign of the very casual plan.

I rushed into my kit and handed my bike to be picked up at the end of the run. Some confusion had me wandering was I doing the blue or red lap.....It didn't matter I collected my bike and started the congo line blue lap for an average lap time in much traffic.

Coming into transition with no one awaiting highlighted the casual team approach.
Later discovering we had indeed some no shows or I have to go home plans amongst others robbed the motivation!

At the end I did a total of 3 laps with a best of 43minutes on the red laps +-30 secs.

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