Monday, October 31, 2011

Crazy Dirt Crits

The start of daylight savings brings crazy mountain bikers from all over Canberra to race it out at the short track races brought to us by Onya Bike City and Belconnen.

Time Thursdays rego from 5.30pm for details check

First up and a 10th position with a large field, located at Stromlo forrest.
No tricks here just flog yourself and work up some anerobic training!

AS always it was great to see the fast guys battle it out with Dylan Cooper 1st daylight secound James Downing and Brad Morton putting on a show for 2nd and third.
Thanks for the entertainment!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Road Crits (Vets)

I have had some intention for a while to try the road crits. Many people swear that its a great way to improve speed, so I mustered up some courage and entered on Tuesday night to race D grade.

I was informed to hang back for a few laps to see how it go's. The race started slowly and slowly ramped up during the next 8 minutes. I took the marshalls advice and was hanging back to see how things progress.

A quick jump in the pack had dropped some riders which caught me by surprise, I picked up the pace over the next 2 laps to catch back onto the peleton, passing the strugglers that had no chance.

Having arrived with the bunch I could now rest the legs for a lap before the sign showed 2 laps to go.

I pushed ahead holding the front curious as to how things would play out. Would the bunch sprint?, would I get caught out?

I let off some speed at the 3/4 lap to go to see what would happen a group of 4 jumped past and I ramped up to chase.

Of course I was too late and cross the line 6th only 5 metres behind. Things noted and much fun had I'll be joining the club and continue this leg shaved madness!

Scott 24hr 2011

A landed a free entry into the Scott 24hr thanks to Micko at Onya Bike Belconnen and City. Team of six very casual was the plan.
Having arrived half an hour prior to the event to discover only one other team mate was their was a bit of a dissapointment but a sign of the very casual plan.

I rushed into my kit and handed my bike to be picked up at the end of the run. Some confusion had me wandering was I doing the blue or red lap.....It didn't matter I collected my bike and started the congo line blue lap for an average lap time in much traffic.

Coming into transition with no one awaiting highlighted the casual team approach.
Later discovering we had indeed some no shows or I have to go home plans amongst others robbed the motivation!

At the end I did a total of 3 laps with a best of 43minutes on the red laps +-30 secs.