Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Road Crits, My First First

What a night, what a build up.....First at last!
I rode out to tonights critirium race and was feeling relatively good. You know those rides were you just comfortably sit in a nice rhythm! They alwayd feel good!
I arrived with 15minutes to race time, Icarbed up quickly and before I knew it,I was racing.

We paced around and I always felt comfortable, holding solid lines and keeping with the pack felt effortless. The wind was lowish but you still felt it when deviating from the bunch. I felt really good in sections so drove the bunch when I could then folding back into mid pack. This usually sorts out the less serious racers but you have to be careful to not overcook yourself as it does take more energy.

With a lap to go I was in mid pack but positioned myself really well to drive through the inside into the front line with 1/2 a lap to go. Knowing that I am not an all out sprinter I speed out of the saddle caterpulting myself into first place into the last tight corner, out of this I dug deep to push hard all the way to the line.

Its amazing how you can go from feeling crap days earlier to pulling out a personal best in a matter of days. Often heat, mind set and often over training( coming into a race spent) can hold you back.

Lets see if I can back it up.....